The History of Port-Royal, Acadia


  • 1492 - North America is discovered by Christopher Columbus.
        [In 1000 A.D., Norse settlers lived along the shores
        of northeast America.]

  • 1497/1498 - Atlantic coast as far as Newfoundland was
        explored in the name of the King of England
        by John Cabot and son Sebastian.

  • 1524 - In the name of the King of France, Giovanni de
        Verrazano sailed from Georgia to the entrance
        of the Gulf of St. Lawrence, hoping to find
        westerly route from Europe to India and China.

  • 1534 - Canada becomes a possession in the name of France
        Jacques Cartier. Having explored the northern coast
        of the Gulf of St-Lawrence, Cartier returned home to
        St-Malo in France. He explored the St. Lawrence as far as
        Stadacona (Québec)and Hochelaga (Montréal) the following
        year and for a third and last time he explored the St-Lawrence in 1537.

  • 1605 - Port-Royal, Acadia founded by the French.

  • 1607 - Jamestown, Virginia settled by the English.

  • 1608 - Québec is founded by the French which they found was a natural fortress
        on the St. Lawrence River

  • 1620 - Plymouth Rock Massachusetts

  • 1626 - Manhattan Island, New Amsterdam (New York City) is founded by the Dutch

  • 1630- Boston, Massachusetts founded by Winthrop

  • 1634 - Trois-Rivières, Québec founded by LaViolette

  • 1642 - Montréal by Maisonneuve

  • 1663 - South Carolina founded by Sir Berkeley and Lord Shaftesbury

  • 1681 - Pennsylvania established by William Penn


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