Known as the Birthplace of the New Acadia, the Village de Memramcook has a population of about 5,000 and is located near the Moncton's shopping centers and close to the Nova Scotia border.
Following the deportation, several Acadian families came here to clear the land and to benefit from the fertile soil. The hard
work of the first settlers as well as the construction of strong dykes, which the Acadians called aboiteau used for the irrigation of marshlands,and so as to reclaim land from the marshes, has made this area an ideal place for the breeding of Holstein dairy cows and cattle. The hay in the marshlands is
an excellent source of nutrition for livestock. Blueberry picking is one of the area's agricultural activities.
There are three parishes: the Saint-Thomas
of Memramcook parish which, in 1781, became the first Acadian and religious parish in New Brunswick, Notre-Dame de
Lourdes founded in 1898 and Notre-Dame de l'Annonciation in Pré-d'en-Haut founded in 1934.
Memramcook a MicMac word meaning crooked river, is a
chocolate looking river that runs through the valley. Very good friends of the Acadians, the Micmac Indians always lived nearby. An historical site located here is the Chapelle
Saint-Anne in Beaumont, which was built by the Miqmaks in 1842, as well as the rectory and the cemetery.
His Excellency the Right Honourable Roméo LeBlanc, Governor General, was born in Cormier's Cove.
Saint Joseph College was founded in 1864 by Father Camille Lefebvre. The college's 50th anniversary was celebrated with the erection of a bronze statue of Father Lefebvre sculptured by Montreal sculptor Henri Hébert.
The first Acadian religious community - Les Petites Soeurs de la
Sainte-Famille was founded by Mother Marie Léonie in 1877
to gather young Acadian women into the service of the church.
The Congregation of the Sisters of Notre-Dame du Sacré-Coeur was founded in 1924 and the mother house was located in Memramcook. These sisters were educators and worked 70 years teaching the children of the Memramcook area as well as in Kent and Westmorland Counties.
Time Line for Memramcook
Colonization by the Acadians began three centuries ago.
1605 - Explorations of Champlain and Poutrincourt
1676 - Memramcouke becomes part of the Seigneurerie of LaVallière, Beaubassin
1700 - First settlement of Pierre "Pître" Gaudet and of René Blanchard
1713 - Port-Royal families come to settle at Memramcouke
1740 - First chapel on the shore is on the Memramcouke River
Home of Pierre-à-Michel
Home of Beaumont
1751 - 250 people now live in Memramcouke
The Galisonnière Fort is built
Levees and dykes
1755 - Colonel Scott and his 300 soldiers hunt down the people of Memramcouke
Three villages are built in the area
1766 - The first Post-Acadian village is founded at Montain and it is known as LePlatte Village
Desbarres Dealings and Lands
1770 - Colonization of the Point-à-l'Ours/Bear Point Village
1780 - First church is built on the west shore of the Memramcouke
1781- First Acadian and first religious parish of New Brunswick established at Memramcouke
1790 - Colonization of Old Man Gould's village (Gould a.k.a. Doiron)
1795 - Montain church destroyed by fire
1802 - Bisihops Denaut and Plessis of Québec decide to establish a religious order in Memramcook and a college as well. This work was entrusted to the Fathers of Faith/Foi. Meanwhile, the Governor General and the Provincial Lieutenant Governors fiercely opposed this plan.
1803 - Bishop Denaut of Québec, makes his pastoral visit to many Acadian communities, among them, Memramcouke
1806 - The first parish registers of Memramcouke are opened
1811 - In 1811, it is decided to build St. Joseph's Church. It is not until 1816-1818 that this plan is finally put in motion.
1840 - The first Acadian stone church is built
1842 - Ste-Anne at Beaumont is built
1847- The Desbarres affairs which began in 1770 finally end with the purchase of the first lands conceded to William Desbarres.
1852 - The arrival of Father Lafrance
1854 - The establishement of Saint Thomas Seminary
1857- The Dedication of Saint Thomas of Memramcouke Church
1864 - Father Camille Lefebvre establishes Saint Joseph College
1873 - The Sisters of Charity open the first convent
1877 - The Little Sisters of the Holy Family establish themselves
1881 - The first National Acadian Congress
1896 - Monument Lefebvre is built
1898 - The Church of Our Lady of Lourdes is built
1924 - The foundation of the Congregation of Notre-Dame-du-Sacré-Coeur/Our Lady of the Sacred Heart takes place
1933 - Saint Joseph College is destroyed by fire
1934 - Pré-d'en-Haut builds its church
1941 - Caisse Populaire de Memramcook/Credit Union of Memramcook is established
1944 - Fondation de la Caisse Populaire de Pré-d'en-Haut/Credit Union is established
1953 - Saint Joseph University's first classes begin at Moncton
1958 - A regional school is built at Memramcook
1963 - Saint Joseph University is renamed the University of Moncton
1966 - The Institute of Memramcook is established