1. Joseph Simon Granger
Born December 23, 1727 - Rivière-aux-Canards, brother of
Jean-Baptiste (2) and Armand (3)
His mother Marguerite Leblanc (1707-1777), widow of Joseph
Granger (1705-17), sister of Honoré(11), Françoise(7), Charles
(14) et Simon (15).
His wife Marie Josèphe Terriot, born 2 December 1730 -
Rivière-aux-Canards, soeur de Marie-Madeleine (2),
Marguerie-Marie (3), Élisabeth (fa4), Marie-Geneviève (5),
Marie-Blanche (8) et Jean-Baptiste 62).
Their five chidren: Jean-Baptiste(1751),
Joseph-Simon (1758), Pierre (1759), Augustin Vital (1761),
Élisabeth (1754).
Arriving from Falmouth and Morlaix, settled at Antoureau (Le Palais).
2. Jean Baptiste Granger
Born September 27, 1729 - Rivière-aux-Canards, brother of
Joseph Simon (1) et Amant (3). His wife, Marie-Madeleine
Terriot, born September 21, 1732 - Rivière-aux-Canards,
sister of Marie-Josèphe (1), Marguerite-Marie (3), Élisabeth
(4), Marie-Geneviève (5), Marie-Blanche (8) and Jean-Baptiste (62).
Their three children: Pierre Amand (1758), Jean-Joseph (1765),
Marie-Josèphe (1755).
Arriving from Falmouth and Morlaix, settled at Andrestol (Le Palais).
3. Amand Granger
Born July 4, 1734 - Rivière-aux-Canards, brother of Joseph
Simon (1) and of Jean-Baptiste (2). His wife Marguerite-Marie
Terriot, born July 9, 1734 à la Rivière-aux-Canards, sister
of Marie-Josèphe (1), Marie-Madeleine(2), Élisabeth (4),
Marie-Geneviève (5), Marie-Blanche (8) and Jean-Baptiste(62).
Their four children: Luc (1765), Marie-Françoise (1758),
Marie-Madeleine (1761), Marie-Marguerite (1763).
Arriving from Falmouth and Morlaix settled at Borstang
(Le Palais).
4. Joseph Granger
Born March 16, 1732 - Rivière-aux-Canards, brother of Mathurin
(5) and of Jean-Baptiste, minor. He arrived with his mother
Brigitte Leblanc (1710-1773), widow of Claude Granger
(1708-1756). His wife Élisabeth Terriot, born March 20, 1736
- Rivière-aux-Canards, sister of Marie-Josèphe (1), Marie-
Madeleine(2), Marguerite-Marie (3), Marie-Geneviève (5),
Marie-Blanche (8) et de Jean-Baptiste (62).
With their daughter, Marie-Brigitte (1763) and the brother of
Joseph, Jean-Baptiste (1761).
Arriving at Falmouth and Morlaix, settled at Kergoyet (Le Palais).
5. Mathurin Granger
Born February 12, 1740 - Rivière-aux-Canards, brother of
Joseph (4) and of Jean-Baptiste (4). His wife, Marie-
Geneviève Terriot, born July 4, 1742 - Rivière-aux-Canards,
sister of Marie-Josèphe (1), Marie-Madeleine (2),
Marguerite-Marie(3), Élisabeth (4), Marie-Blanche (8) and of
Jean-Baptiste (62).
And their two daughters Élisabeth Geneviève Walburge (1761)
and Marie-Modeste (1765).
Arriving from Falmouth et Morlaix, settled at Kergoyet (Le Palais).
6. Charles Granger
Born May 11, 1738 - Rivière-aux-Canards, son of Françoise
Leblanc (7) and brother of Marie (35). His wife, Marie-Madeleine Daigre,
born January 14, 1735 - Rivière-aux-Canards.
Their three sons: Jean-Baptiste (1760), Joseph (1762),
Pierre-Mathurin (1764).
Arriving from Falmouth and Morlaix, settled at Tinéué (Bangor).
7. Françoise Leblanc
widow of Charles Granger born September 8, 1716 at Grand'Prée,
mother of Charles (6) and of Marie (35), sister of Honoré (11),
Charles (14), Simon (15), and of Marguerite(1).
Their three children:Jean-Jacques (1753), Anne (1742), Françoise (1748).
Arriving from Falmouth and Morlaix, settled at Kernest (Bangor).
8. Jean Granger
Born March 19, 1740 - Rivière-aux-Canards, brother of Pierre (9),
d'Anne (36), Marie-Josèphe (37), Marguerite (63) and of Madeleine (8)
and Françoise (36) orphans in his care. His wife Marie-Blanche Terriot
born June 11, 1744 - Rivière-aux-Canards, sister of Marie-Josèphe (1),
Marie-Madeleine (2), Marguerite-Marie (3), Élisabeth (4), Marie-Geneviève(5)
and Jean-Baptiste (62).
Their two children: Simon-François (1762), Anne-Marie (1764)
and on orphan Madeleine Granger (1753).
Arriving from Falmouth and Morlaix, settled at Bortémont (Bangor).
9. Pierre Granger
Born November 9, 1743 - Rivière-aux-Canards, brother of Jean(8),
Anne (36) Marie-Josèphe (37), Marguerite (63) and orphan
Madeleine (8), François (9) et Françoise (36). His wife, Marie Thibaudault,
born November 6, 1743 - Rivière-aux-Canards, sister of Anne (14) and Élisabeth (15)
orphans. They are in the care of François Granger (1745)
Arriving from Falmouth and Morlaix, settled at Bortémont (Bangor).
10.Laurent Granger
Born January 1, 1741 his wife, Marie Terriot born September 21, 1737,
daughter of Marie Landry (64), sister of Marie-Madeleine (27), Marie-Josèphe (28),
Anne Gertrude (51) and of Jean (63). Childless.
Arriving from Falmouth and Morlaix, settled at Lanno (Sauzon).
11.Honoré Leblanc
Born October 21, 1710 à Pigiguit, widower, father of Charles (12),
Raymond (13), Agathe (29). Brother of Marguerite (1), Françoise (7),
Charles (14) and Simon (15).
He has two children: Paul (1751) and Joseph (1753).
Arriving from Liverpool and Morlaix, settled at Bordustard (Le Palais).
12.Charles Leblanc
Born August, 1734 at Pigiguit, son of Honoré (11), brother of Raymond (13)
of Paul (11) and of Joseph (11). His wife, Anne Landry born
February 4, 1739 - Rivière-aux-Canards, daughter of Marie-Rose (70).
They have two children: Claude Marie (1765) and Marie (1763).
Arriving from Liverpool and Morlaix, settled at Bordrouant (Bangor).
13.Raymond Leblanc
Born January, 1742 at Pigiguit, son of Honoré (11), brother of Charles (12),
of Paul (11) and of Joseph (11). His wife, Marie Terriot, born September 26,
1740 - Rivière-aux-Canards, daughter of Marie-Josèphe (61).
Arriving from Liverpool and Morlaix, settled at Bordustard (Le Palais).
14.Charles Leblanc
Born October, 1718 - Grand'Prée, brother of Marguerite (1), Simon (15),
of Honoré (11), of Françoise (7), father of Marie-Blanche (26), of Marguerite (34).
His wife, Élisabeth Thibaudault born 1718 - Grand'Prée.
Their four children: Jean-Baptiste (1746), Olivier (1748), Anselme (1752),
Marie (1750) and one orphan, Anne Thibaudault (1747).
Arriving from Falmouth and Morlaix, settled in Kerourdé (Bangor).
15.Simon Leblanc
Born May 7, 1726 - Grand'Prée, brother of Marguerite (1), Charles (14), Honoré (11),
Françoise (7). His wife, Marie Trahan, born in 1723 -
sister of Françoise (22) and Jean-Baptiste (42).
Their four children: Jean (1746), Basile (1748), Simon (1750), Joseph (1764)
and one orphan Élisabeth Thibaudault (1745).
Arriving from Falmouth and Morlaix, settled in Kerourdé (Bangor).
16. Joseph Leblanc
Born July 21, 1730 - Grand'Prée, widower of his first marriage.
His wife, Agnès Hébert, born in 1740 at Pigiguit. Et trois
enfants: Jean-Baptiste (1752), Odile (1754), Marguerite Blanche
Arriving from Liverpool and Morlaix, settled at Kerlédan (Sauzon).
17. Alain Leblanc
Born in 1731 - Grand'Prée. His wife, Anne Babin, born in 1737 - Grand'Prée,
daughter of Marie (65) and sister of Joseph (65), with one orphan Joseph Leblanc (1752).
Arriving from Southampton and Saint-Malo, settled at Kernest (Bangor).
18.Jean-Baptiste Leblanc
Born October 30, 1726 - Grand'Prée. Widower from his first marriage.
His wife, Marguerite Bellemer, born in 1735 - Grand'Prée.
Their four children: Jean (1747), Pierre (1753), Moïse (1761),
Arriving from Southampton and de Saint-Malo, settled at Kernest (Bangor).
19.Jean-Baptiste Leblanc
Born in 1716 - Grand'Prée, brother of Marie (65), widower. With his son Jean (1746).
Arrived from Southampton and Saint-Malo, settled at Loqueltas (Sauzon).
20.Joseph Leblanc
Born May 1, 1731 - Pigiguit. Brother of Marguerite (47). His wife, Marie Hébert,
Born April 6, 1736 - Pigiguit, daughter of Madeleine (54), and of Magdeleine Pélagie (77).
Their children: Simon Paul (1765) and Modeste (1763).
Arriving from Liverpool and Morlaix, settled at Bernantec (Sauzon).
21.Jean Leblanc
Born July, 1703 - Saint-Charles des Mines, brother of Claude(23), of Marie-Josèphe (50),
father of Pierre (22). His wife,Françoise Blanchard
born in 1705 - Grand'Prée.
Their children: Alexis (1742), Charles (1745), Marguerite (1746).
Arriving from Liverpool and Morlaix, settled at Bernantec (Sauzon).
22.Pierre Leblanc
Born August 3, 1734 - Saint-Charles des Mines, son of Jean (21). His wife, Françoise Trahan,
born in 1737 - Rivière-aux-Canards, sister of Jean-Baptiste (42) et de Marie (15).
Their daughters: Marie (1761) et Geneviève (1763).
Arriving from Liverpool et Morlaix, settled at Borderune (Sauzon).
23.Claude Leblanc
Born October, 1723 - Saint-Charles les Mines, brother of Jean (21) and of Marie-Josèphe (50).
Three marriages and widower twice. His wife, Marie-Marguerite Guédry or Guidry born in 1720.
Three children: Jean (1752), Joseph (1760) pierre (1762).
They were at Saint-Malo in 1760, settled Borticado (Sauzon).
24.Joseph Leblanc
Born in 1722 - Grand'Prée, Already a widower twice. His wife, Angélique Daigre,
born in 1735 - Grand'Prée. Three children: Simon (1748), Victor
(1762), Moïse (1764).
Arriving from Southampton and Saint-Servan, settled at Kervau (Le Palais).
25.Honoré Daigre
Born January 6, 1726 - Rivière-aux-Canards, brother of Olivier (26), of Simon-Pierre (27),
of Jean-Charles (28), of Paul (29)and of Françoise (33),
a widower twice.
His wife, Élisabeth Trahan, born January 1, 1726 -
already a widow. Her mother Françoise Granger, born in 1703 - Port-Royal.
Their five children: Pierre (1775), Jean (1755), Joseph (1759), Jean-François (1763)
and of Marie Terriot, daughter of'Élisabeth (1749).
Arriving from Falmouth and Morlaix and Tréguier, settled at Chubiguer (Le Palais).
26.Olivier Daigre
Born September, 1732 - Rivière-aux-Canards, brother of Honoré (25),
Simon Pierre (27), Jean-Charles (28), Paul (29) and Françoise (33). Widower once.
His wife, Marie-Blanche Leblanc, born August, 1743 -
daughter of Charles Leblanc (14), sister of Marguerite (34).
Two children: Victor (1761) et Michel (1766).
Arriving from Falmouth and Morlaix, settled at Chubiguer (LePalais).
27.Simon-Pierre Daigre
Born August 15, 1735 - Rivière-aux-Canards, brother of Honoré (25), Olivier (26),
Jean-Charles (28), Paul (29) and françoise (33). His wife,
Marie-Madeleine Terriot,
born November 12, 1738. Daughter of Marie Landry (64), sister of Marie-Josèphe (28),
Anne Gertrude (51) and Jean (63).
Their three children: Edouard (1765), Marie-Marguerite (1759) and
Anne-Geneviève (1761).
Arriving from Falmouth and Morlaix, settled at Kervellan (Sauzon).
28.Jean-Charles Daigre
Born August 15, 1740 - Rivière-aux-Canards, brother of Honoré (25), Olivier (26),
Simon-Pierre(27), Paul (29) and Françoise (33). His wife,
Marie-Josèphe Terriot,
born April 10, 1743, daughter of Marie Landry (64), sister of Marie-Madeleine (27),
Anne Gertrude (51) and Jean (63).
Two children: Charles Augustin (1761), Mathurin (1763).
Arriving from Falmouth and Morlaix, settled at Kerzo (Sauzon).
29.Paul Daigre
Born October, 1742 - Rivière-aux-Canards, brother of Honoré (25), Olivier (26),
Simon-Pierre (27), Jean-Charles (28) and Françoise (33). His wife, Agathe Leblanc,
born October, 1744 PIG, daughter of Honoré Leblanc (11), sister of Charles (12)
and Raymond (13).
Arriving from Falmouth and Morlaix, settled at Chubiger (Sauzon).
30.Miniat Daigre
Born June 25, 1742 Mélanson, born January 28, 1746 - Rivière-aux-Canards,
daughter of Pierre Mélanson (31).
Arriving from Saint-Servan where he had been since 1759 she arriving from Southampton as well as Saint-Malo. Settled at Cosquet (Locmaria).
31.Pierre Mélanson
Born October, 1715 - Grand'Prée, father of Marie (30). His wife,
Marie-Magdeleine Leblanc,
born September, 1720 - Grand'Prée.
Their seven children: Joseph (1750), Jean-Baptiste (1752), Marguerite (1748),
Anne-Marie (1757), MarieMadeleine (1759), Marie-Marthe (1761),
Rose Rosalie (1763).
Arriving from Southampton and Saint-Malo, settled and went to Cosquet (Locmaria).
32.Jean Mélanson
Born September 14, 1710 - Port-Royal, father of Magdeleine (69). Widower. His son, François (1750).
Arriving from Bristol and Saint-Servan, settled and went to Cosquet (Locmaria).
33.Pierre Richard
Born November 15, 1710, father of Joseph Ignace (34), of Marie (53) and Catherine (44).
Widower once. His wife, Françoise Daigre, born March, 1730 - Rivière-aux-Canards,
she was widowed once, sister of Honoré (25), Olivier (26), Simon Pierre (27), Jean-Charles (28) et Paul(29).
Their seven children: Simon (1752), Anselme (1765), Brigitte (1749), Paul Terriot (1749)
and Élisabeth Terriot (1753) children from Françoise's first marriage.
Arriving from Liverpool and Morlaix, settled at Kerbellec (Le Palais).
34.Joseph Ignace Richard
Born February 17, 1743 - Pigiguit, son of Pierre (33) and brother of Marie (53)
and Catherine (44). His wife, Marguerite Leblanc, born February
22, 1744 - Rivière-aux-Canards,
daughter of Charles (14), sister of Marie-Blanche (26).
Arriving from Liverpool and Morlaix, settled at Kérourdé (Bangor).
35.Basile Richard
Born in 1736 - Port-Royal. His wife, Marie Granger, born May 20, 1736 - Rivière-aux-Canards, daughter of Françoise (7), sister of Charles (6).
Their two children: Joseph (1759) et Jean Baptiste (1763).
Arriving from Falmouth and Morlaix, settled at Bédex (Bangor).
36.Joseph Trahan
Born September 25, 1733 - Pigiguit, brother of Pierre Simon (37), Chrysostome (38),
Paul (36), and Anne (37). His wife, Anne Granger born September 3, 1736 - Rivière-aux-Canards,
sister of Jean (8), Pierre (9), Marie-Josèphe (37), Marguerite (63), Madeleine (8),
François (9), Françoise (36).R
Their children: Joseph (1763), Madeleine (1758), Marguerite (1760), the minor brothers,
Joseph, Paul (1751) and their moinor niece Françoise Granger
Arriving from Falmouth and Morlaix, settled at Kerguénolé 5bangor).
37.Pierre Simon Trahan
Born March 25, 1735 - Pigiguit, brother of Joseph (36), de Chysostome (38),
Paul (36), and Anne (37). His wife, Marie Josèphe Granger,
born September 8, 1738
- Rivière-aux-Canards, sister of Anne(36), Jean (8), Pierre (9), Marguerite (63),
Madeleine (8), François (9), Françoise (36).
Their children: Jean-Baptiste (1760), Joseph-Simon (1761), Pierre-Simon (1763),
Pierre Raymond (1765) and Anne (1745), minor sister of Pierre
Arriving from Falmouth and Morlaix, settled at Kerguénolé (Bangor).
38.Chrysostome Trahan
Born in 1740 - Pigiguit, brother of Joseph (36), Pierre Simon (37), Paul (36)
and Anne (37). His wife, Anne Granger born in 1743 -
sister of Marie-Marguerite (62), Pierre (62) and Jean-Baptiste (38).
Their daughter Anne Julie (1765) and the Anne's brother, Jean-Baptiste Granger (1752).
Arriving from Falmouth and Morlaix, settled at Kerlan (Bangor).
39.Pierre Trahan and Jean Hébert
Pierre Trahan , born June 9, 1696, in Acadia, father of Joachim (40) and Pierre (41).
Jean Hébert, his brother-in-law, born in 1699 in Acadia, father of Amable (53),
Agnès (16) Madeleine (42), and his wife, Ester Courtenay (Hester
Courtnay), born in 1709.
Arriving from Liverpool and Morlaix, settled at Borderhouat (Locmaria).
40.Joachim Trahan
Born March 25, 1735 - Pigiguit, son of Pierre (39) and brother of Pierre (41).
Widower once. His wife, Marie Duon, born November 9, 1740 - Rivière-aux-Canards,
sister of Honoré (57), Marguerite (45), Élisabeth (49).
Their children: Joseph (1760), Simon (1762), Marie-Blanche (1755) and Anne (1764).
Arriving from Liverpool and Morlaix, settled at Magouric (Locmaria).
41. Pierre Trahan
Born June, 1723 - Pigiguit, brother of Joachim (40), son of Pierre (39).
Twice a widower. His wife, Madeleine Vincent, mother of Honnoré (57), Marie (40),
Marguerite (45), Élisabeth (49), from a first marriage.
The children: François Trahan (1753) Pélagie Vincent (1745), Élisabeth Vincent (1747), orphans.
Arriving from Liverpool and Morlaix, settled at Gouélan (Bangor).
42.Jean-Baptiste Trahan
Born January 17, 1735 - Rivière-aux-Canards, brother of Marie (15) and Françoise(22).
His wife Madeleine Hébert, born in 1741 - Pigiguit, daughter of
Jean(39), sister of Amable (53) and Agnès (16).
Their children: Jean-Baptiste (1761) Jean-Michel (1764).
Arriving from Liverpool and Morlaix, settled at Borménahic (Locmaria).
43.Silvain Trahan
Born in 1724 - Pigiguit, brother of Simon (44). His wife Ursule Darrois,
born in 1714 - la Grand'Prée. Sister of Magdeleine (48).
Their five children: Joseph (1748), Mathurin (1750), Jean Charles (1752), Simon(1754), Romain (1758).
Arriving from Liverpool and Morlaix, settled Triboutoux (Sauzon).
44. Simon Trahan
Born November 1740 Pigiguit, brother of Silvain (43). His wife Catherine Richard,
born February 1747 - Pigiguit, daughter of Pierre (33), sister of Joseph Ignace (34) and Marie (53).
Arriving from Liverpool and Morlaix, settled at Triboutoux (Sauzon).
45.Pierre Trahan
Born March, 1757 - Rivière-aux-Canards, brother of René (46). His wife Marguerite Duon,
born August 15, 1741 at Mines, sister of Honnoré (57),
Marie (40),
Élisabeth (49). Also, Françoise Trahan, widow Pierre Hébert, sister of
Pierre Trahan (45), born December 25, 1745 - Rivière-aux-Canards.
Children: Jean-Baptiste (1764), Marie Élisabeth (1759) Geneviève
Arriving frm Liverpool and Morlaix, settled at Calastren (Bangor).
46. René Trahan
Born December, 1734 - Rivière-aux-Canards, brother of Pierre (45). And a child Raphaël (1761).
A widower, he remarried in 1766.
Arriving from Liverpool and Morlaix, settled at Calastren (Bangor).
47. Louis Trahan
Born February 1734 - Pigiguit. Brother of Anne (57), Philippe (47), Catherine (47).
His wife, Marguerite Leblanc, born in 1738 - Pigiguit, sister of
Joseph (20).
And children: Laurent (1763), Jean-Marie (1765), Philippe Trahan (1751), Catherine Trahan (1749).
Arriving in Liverpool and Morlaix, settled at Borderun (Sauzon).
48. Claude Pittre
Born May 3, 1700 - Port-Royal. Widower of a former mariage. His wife, Magdeleine Darrois,
born in 1715 - Grand'Prée. Sister of Ursule (43).
And Paul Trahan (1751) orphan.
Arriving from Liverpool and Morlaix, settled in Triboutoux (Sauzon).
49. Alexandre Aucoin
Born August 10, 1725 - Cobequid. Widower one time, he is the brother-in-law
of Pierre Trahan (45) and of René Trahan (46). His wife, Élisabeth Duon,
born May 21, 1743 - Rivière-aux-Canards. Sister of Honnoré (57).
Their three daughters: Marie Josèphe (1754), Anne (1761) Geneviève (1765).
Arriving from Liverpool and Morlaix, settled at Calastren (Bangor).
50. Félix Boudrot
Born in 1742 - Pigiguit. His wife, Marie-Josèphe Leblanc, born April, 1729
- Saint-Charles des Mines, sister of Jean (21) and Claude (23).
Children: Joseph (1764) and Félicité (1753).
Arriving from Bristol and Morlaix, settled at Borderun (Sauzon).
51. Félix Boudrot
Born in 1742 - Pigiguit. His wife, Anne Gertrude Terriot, born October 14, 1745,
sister of Marie (10), Marie-Magdeleine (27), Marie-Josèphe (28), and Jean (63).
Their son: Simon Bruno (1765).
Arriving from Falmouth, Morlaix and Tréguier, settled at Kerzo (Sauzon).
52. Pierre Boudrot
Born in 1736 - Grand'Prée. His wife, Anne Boudrot, Born September 15, 1730 - Port-Toulouse
(île Royale). She was a widow of her previous marriage.
Their son, Joseph (1765) and four minor children: Pierre Haché (1750), Marie Haché (1751), Geneviève Haché (1750), Henriette Haché (1754), Children from Anne's first marriage.
Arriving from St-Malo where they have been since 1763, settled at Kernest (Bangor).
53. Amable Hébert
Born in 1746 - Pigiguit, son of Jean(39), brother of Agnès (16) and of Madeleine(42).
His wife, Marie Richard born August 15, 1741, daughter of Pierre (33), sister
of Joseph Ignace (34) and of Catherine (44).
Their daughters: Marie-Modeste (1764) and Brigitte Josèphe (1765).
Arriving from Liverpool and Morlaix, settled at Coty (Locmaria).
54. Magdeleine Trahan, widow of Joseph Hébert
Born in 1704 (ou 1700).
Mother of Marie (20) and Magdeleine Pélagie (77).
Chidren: Jean-Baptiste (1745) and Marguerite (1746).
Arriving from Liverpool and Morlaix in the end, this family was not settled
in Kervarigeon, following the death in November 1766, of Magdeleine at Sauzon.
55. Charles Hébert
Born February, 1731 - Pigiguit. Twice a widower. His wife, Marie Lecoq, born in 1733
at Saint-Servan (Saint-Malo). Their daughter, Théotiste Marie (1763).
Arriving from Saint-Malo, they had not been sent to Britain and settled at Kervarigeon (Bangor).
56.Cyprien Duon
Born April 1, 1729 - Port-Royal. Uncle of Honnoré (57), of Marie(40), of Élisabeth
(49) and of Marguerite (45). His wife, Margueritte Landry, born
January 15,
1735 - Rivière-aux-Canards. Daughter of Marie-Rose Rivet widow Landry (70).
Their two children: Jean-Baptiste (1759), Marie (1764) and one orphan, Jean Vincent (1745).
Arriving from Liverpool and Morlaix, settled at Calastren (Bangor).
57. Honnoré Duon
Born November 16, 1737. Son of Magdeleine Vincent (41), brother of Marie (40),
Marguerite (45), Élisabeth (49). His wife, Anne Trahan, born in
born in
1741 - Pigiguit. Sister of Louis (47), Philippe (47) and Catherine (47).
Their children: Marie (1760), Anne (1761) and Marie Vincent (1748) minor in their charge.
Arriving from Liverpool and Morlaix, settled at Marta (Bangor).
58.Louis Courtin
Born April 16, 1730, - Fréteval (Blois). His wife, Marie Martin, born in
1740 - Port-Royal. His two sisters, Françoise (1744) and Anastasie (1745).
His two daughters: Marie (1762) and Mathurine Olive (1764).
Arriving from Ireland and Morlaix, settled at Triboutoux (Sauzon).
59.Guillaume Montet
Born January 23, 1737 - Cajolay (Périgeux). His wife, Marie Vincent,
born April 27, 1746 - Rivière-aux-Canards. Marguerite Bodard, widow of Joseph Vincent, mother of Marie (59) and
Pierre Vincent her son (1748).
Their children: Pierre (1764) et Marie Françoise (1765).
Arriving from Liverpool and Morlaix, settled at Kervarigeon (Bangor).
60. Pierre Deline
Born November 4, 1721 - Ambleville (Pontoise en Vexin). His wife, Rosalie Bonnière
born May 29, - Pigiguit, widow of her first marriage.
Magdeleine Froest, widow of Pierre Bonnière (1715).
Their children: Perrine Marguerite (1762), Marie Madeleine (1765) and
Rose Pélagie Rivet (1760) From Rosalie's first marriage.
At Saint Servan(St-Malo) since 1762, settled at Kervarigeon (Bangor).
61. Marie Joseph Dupuy widow of Pierre Terriot
Born November 21, 1721 - Rivière-aux-Canards. Her children: Pierre (1750),
Charles Grégoire (1751), Marguerite (1741), Marie-Madeleine
(1742), Marie-Blanche (1747).
Arriving from Liverpool and Morlaix, settled at Parlavan (Bangor).
62. Jean Baptiste Terriot
Born August 16, 1740 - Rivière-aux-Canards; brother of Marie Josèphe (1),
Marie-Madeleine (2), Marguerite (3), Élisabeth (4), Marie Geneviève (5) Marie-Blanche (8).
His wife, Marie-Margueritte Granger, born January 8, 1741 - Rivière-aux-Canards.
Sister of Anne (38), Pierre (62), Jean-Baptiste (38).
Their daughters: Anne-Marie (1761),
Marie-Marguerite (1764), and an orphan in the charge of Pierre Granger (1750).
Arriving from Falmouth and Morlaix, settled at Cosquet (Locmaria).
63. Jean Terriot
Born February 13, 1741 - Rivière-aux-Canards, son of Marie Landry (64) and brother
of Marie (10), Marie-Magdeleine (27), Marie Josèphe (28) and
Anne-Gertrude (51).
His wife, Marguerite Granger, born November, 1742 - Rivière-aux-Canards,
sister of Jean (8), Pierre (9), Anne(36), Marie-Josèphe (37), Madeleine (8), François (9).
Their son, Jean-Baptiste (1763).
Arriving from Falmouth and Morlaix, settled at Bortémont (Bangor).
64. Marie Landry, widow of Jean Terriot
Born June 17, 1714 PIG, mother of Marie(10), Marie-Magdeleine (27), Marie-Josèphe (28),
Anne-Gertrude (51) and Jean (63).
And her children: Claude (1750), Marie-Élisabeth (1748), Françoise (1753).
Arriving from Falmouth and Morlaix, settled at Bortémont (Bangor).
65.Joseph Babin
Born at Saint-Charles-des-Mines in 1735, son of Margueritte Dupuy (66), brother of Anne (17)
His wife, Marie Leblanc, born in 1735 - Grand'Prée.
Sister of Jean-Baptiste (19).
Their four children: Joseph Nicaise (1758), Bonnaventure (1759), Marie (1761), Victoire (1763).
Arriving from Southampton and Saint-Servan(St-Malo), settled at Loqueltas (Sauzon).
66. Margueritte Dupuy, widow of Claude Babin
Born in 1702 at Mines, mother of Joseph (15) and of Anne (17).
And her children: Laurent (1740) and Charles (1742).
Arriving from Southampton and Saint-Servan, settled at Kerlédan (Sauzon).
67. Jean Douaron
Born March, 1730 - Pigiguit. Brother of Alexis (68). His wife Anne Thibaudeau,
born January 8, 1731, - Pigiguit.
Their four children: Jean-Baptiste (1760), Pierre (1763), Anne-Dorothée (1762), Marguerite Joseph (1764).
This family was at Saint-Enogat (Saint-Malo) as of 1760, they settled at Borthéro (Locmaria).
68. Alexis Douaron
Born June 29, 1723 - Pigiguit, brother of Jean(67). Widower of a previous marriage.
His wife, Magdeleine Josèphe Bourg.
Their children : Grégoire (1744) et Josaphat (1746)
(who never came to Belle-Ile), Jean-Charles (1760), Magdeleine (1763), Marie-Roze (1765).
Arriving from Saint-Enogat (Saint-Malo), where they have lived since 1760 without having been
deported to Britain. Settled at Borthéro (Locmaria).
69. Charles Gautrot
Born October 4, 1736 - Rivière-aux-Canards. His wife, Magdeleine
Mélanson, born at Mines
in 1736, daughter of Jean (32). Their son, Jean Charles (1764).
Arriving from Saint-Servan without exile to Britain, settled at Cosquet (Locamaria).
70. Marie Roze Rivet, widow René Landry
Born July 18, 1707 - Pigiguit. Mother of Anne (12) and Margueritte (56).
Her children: Jean (1747) and Magdeleine (1741), Marie Josèphe (1749).
Arriving from Liverpool and Morlaix settled at Bordustar (Le Palais).
71. Marie Anastasie Terriot, widow of François Thibaudeau
Born November 3, 1718 - Cobeqid. Her children: Joseph (1746), Margueritte (1748),
Magdeleine (1750), Marie (1758).
VenLivMor, settled at Cosquet (Locmaria).
72. Adam Mauger (Joannes Adam Mosser)
Born December, 1731 at Neuwiller-lès-Saverne (Strasbourg). His wife
Marie Élisabeth Giesin (Elisabetha Giss), born at Dossenheim-sur-Zinsel (Strasbourg)
in January, 1734. And their children: Barthélemy (Bartolomé Mosser) (1756), François (1759),
Pierre (1764), Marie-Élisabeth(1763). This family comes from Ireland and Morlaix, settled at Bordenec'ch (Bangor).
73. Abraham Gendre
Born at Caumont d'Armagnac (Auch), October 18, 1725. His wife,
Marie-Josèphe Robicheau,
born March 6, 1717 - Cobeqid. And their daughter, Anne-Claire (1765),
born when they arrived November 24.
At Saint-Servan since 1763, settled at Kerzo (Locmaria).
74. Joseph Poirier
Born October 5, 1719 - Beaubassin, widower once. His wife,
Ursule Renaud,
born in 1721 - Grand'Prée. Their five children: Joseph (1761), Pierre Alexis (1763), Margueritte (1754), Marie-Josèphe (1756),
Marie-Françoise (1764).
At Saint-Enogat as of 1761, without having gone to Britain, settled at Kerzo (Locmaria).
75. Emilien Ségoillot
Born August 15, 1713 - Chatellenot (Autun). Widower from his first marriage.
His wife, Margueritte Naquin, born in 1726 - Cobeqid.
Their children: François Dominique (1753) et Marie-Françoise (1764).
This family was at Saint-Suliac (Saint-Malo) as of 1763, settled at Borbren (Locmaria).
76. Joseph Billeray
Born November 11, 1727 - Vernierfontaine (Besançon). His wife Brigitte Forest,
born April 29, 1729 - Pigiguit. Their children: Jean-Joseph (1762), Marie-Jeanne (1759), Anne Brigitte (1764).
this family was at Pleurtuit (Saint-Malo) as of 1759 without having been sent
to Britain. Settled at Kervarigeon (Bangor).
77. Jean Thirnay (John Tierney)
Born February, 1740 - Saint-Bernard de Limerick (Irlande). His wife, Magdeleine
Pélagie Hébert, born in 1745 - Pigiguit, daughter of Magdeleine (54), sister of Marie (20).
Their sons: André (1764) et Daniel (1765).
Arriving from Liverpool and Tréguier, settled at Kervarigeon (Bangor).
78. Pierre Doucet
Born November, 1738 - Saint-Charles-des-Mines. His wife,
Marie-Blanche Richard,
born in February, 1746 - Grand'Prée. Their sons, Joseph Basile (1764), and Charles Richard (1749),
brother of Marie-Blanche. Pierre Doucet married at Southampton in 1763 and he was at Saint-Servan in 1764 where his son was born. Settled at Anvorte (Sauzon).
René and Marguerite Daligaut and Jean-Marie Fonteneau.