Examples of Acadian words

The following words and expressions mostly unique to Acadian French, though some can also be found in Quebec French.

* achaler: to bother (Fr: ennuyer)
* al, a: she (subject case) (Fr: elle)
* ajeter: to buy (Fr: acheter)
* ajeuve: just now (Fr: r?cemment, tout juste)
* amanchure: thing, thingy (Fr: chose, truc, machin)
* amarrer: (literally, to moor) to tie (Fr: attacher)
* amoureux: (lit. lover) burdock (Fr: (capitule de la) bardane; Quebec: toque, grakia)
* arien (or erien): nothing (Fr: rien)
* asteure: now (Fr: maintenant, ? cette heure, d?sormais)
* attoquer: to lean (Fr: appuyer)
* avoir de la mis?re: to have difficulty (Fr: avoir de la difficult?)
* bailler: to give (Fr: donner)
* boloxer: to confuse, disrupt, unsettle (Fr: causer une confusion, d?ranger l'ordre r?gulier et ?tabli
* boucane: smoke, steam (Fr: fum?e, vapeur)
* bouchure: fence (Fr: cl?ture)
* br?iller: to cry, weep (Fr: pleurer)
* brogane: work shoe, old or used shoe (Fr: chaussure de travail, chaussure d'occasion)
* brosse: drinking binge (Fr: beuverie)
* caler: to sink (Fr: sombrer, couler)
* charcher: to go get (Fr: chercher)
* chavirer: to go crazy (Fr: devenir fou, folle)
* cotchiner: to cheat (Fr: tricher)
* de service: proper, properly (Fr: ad?quat, comme il faut)
* ej: I (Fr: je)
* ?lan: moment, while (Fr: instant, moment)
* ?peurer: to scare (Fr: faire peur, apeurer)
* esclave: (lit. slave) destitute or pitiful person, poor fool (Fr: mis?reux, personne d?munie qui inspire la    piti?, personne dont l'esprit est born?)
* esp?rer: to wait (Fr: attendre)
* faire zire: to gross out (Fr: d?gouter)
* fa?t: top, peak (Fr: fa?te, sommet, haut)
* farlaque: loose, wild, of easy virtue (Fr: d?vergond?e, au moeurs l?g?res)
* frette: cold (Fr: froid)
* fricot: traditional Acadian stew prepared with chicken, potatoes, onions, carrots, dumplings (lumps of    dough), and seasoned with savoury
* friloux: sensitive to cold (Fr: frileux)
* garrocher: to throw, chuck (Fr: lancer)
* gou?land: seagull (Fr: go?land)
* hardes: clothes, clothing (Fr: v?tements)
* horler: to bawl (Fr: pleurer en criant, hurler)
* hucher: to cry out (Fr: appeler (qqn) ? haute voix)
* icitte: here (Fr: ici)
* ielle: her (object case) (Fr: elle)
* innocent: simple, foolish or stupid (Fr: simple d'esprit, b?te, qui manque de jugement)
* itou: also, too (Fr: aussi, de m?me, ?galement)
* maganer: to overwork, wear out, tire, weaken (Fr: traiter durement, malmener, fatiguer, affaiblir,    endommager, d?t?riorer)
* mais que: when + future tense (Fr: lorsque (suivi d'un futur)
* mitan: middle, centre (Fr: milieu, centre)
* m?cordi: Wednesday (Fr: mercredi)
* ou?ille: yeah (Fr: ouais)
* ou?re: to see (Fr: voir)
* pa?en: (lit. pagan) hick, uneducated person, peasant
* pire ? yaller/au pire ? yaller: at worst ( au pire)
* pis: and (Fr: et, et puis)
* ploye: buckwheat pancake, a tradition of Edmundston, New Brunswick (Fr: cr?pe au sarassin)
* pomme de pr?: (lit. meadow apple) American cranberry (Vaccinium macrocarpon) (Fr: canneberge;    Quebec: atoca)
* poutine r?p?e: a ball made of grated potato with pork in the centre, a traditional Acadian dish
* qu'ri: (from cueillir) to fetch, go get (Fr: chercher)
* sciau: bucket, pail (Fr: seau)
* se haler: (lit. to haul oneself) to hurry (Fr: se d?p?cher) * se badgeuler: to argue (Fr: se disputer)
* taweille: Native American woman, traditionally associated with sorcery (Fr: Am?rindienne)
* tchequ'affaire, tchequ'chouse, qu?tchose,quotchose: something (Fr: quelque chose)
* tchorieux: funny
* t?te de violon: ostrich fern fiddlehead (Matteuccia struthiopteris)
* t?tine-de-souris: (lit. mouse tit) slender glasswort, an edible green plant that grows in salt marshes    (Salicornia europaea) (Fr: salicorne d'Europe)
* timber: to fall (Fr:tomber)
* vaillant, vaillante: active, hard-working, brave (Fr: actif, laborieux, courageux)
* zeux: them (Fr: eux)

? Lucie LeBlanc Consentino
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1998 - Present

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