Over the years the services of AAH were given free of charge to help others build Acadian/Cajun genealogy/history websites. Of the first two sites, I provided the programming codes and the owners chose their own colors, fonts and content and went with instructions.The first site AAH helped with is Andre Courville's Acadian, Cajun, German web site at:
Acadian, Cajun, French, and German Genealogy in Louisiana
Andre Courville was a young teenager from Louisiana when I first met him online. He wrote excellent articles for the Ancestral Home Newsletter in its neophyte stages and he was an adept researcher. He was excellent at whatever he did online but alas his heart has always been with his musical talents. Having graduated from Loyola University in New Orleans, Andre is an opera singer and an accomplished organist. On occasion, we connect. Such a nice fellow and I know he will succeed in all of his undertakings.
The second site belongs to Gladys DeVillier's Glad Tidings. The content of her site is fantastic and can be seen at this link:Glad Tidings
Gladys DeVilliers was quite a newspaper woman in her day. Gladys has long been retired. A few months ago she gave me permission to post a good deal of the information on her web site to mine. I will be creating a special section on the Acadian Ancestral Home for Gladys so stay tuned.
I think Gladys has always been a remarkable person and though we met on the Internet we have remained friends over many years now. She is just the best.
A third website built *entirely* by AAH a couple of years ago is:
Acadian Roots
Headings were created, graphics were found and all files were transferred from the owners original but difficult to navigate website by AAH.
The most recent site AAH built was for the Daughters of the American Revolution's Haverhill, Ma Chapter. As a member of this chapter I offered my services. If you are interested in the DAR or would like to become a member please visit the site for more information at:
Brig. Gen. James Brickett - Old Newbury DAR Chapter